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Circuit Cubes Gears Go Multi-Vehicle Electronic Toy Building Set LegoCompatible Building Blocks STEM Toy Learning

Original price was: $118.68.Current price is: $86.40.

Bring your toys to life with Circuit Cubes, the electronicbuilding blocks that add power, motion and light to your creations.Designed by STEM teachers, Circuit Cubes can turn a light on, power a motoror make wheels spin — plus, they work with your LEGO® bricks. Circuit Cubesare a fun way to educate kids in the basic STEM areas. Policies &plansSpecificationsENDLESS FUN: Our electronic building blocks providehours of fun and creativity. Build and power endless projects with CircuitCubes, a pile of bricks and your limitless imagination. Snap togetherCircuit Cubes, building bricks and other included materials to make anycreation your heart desires. EXCELLENT FOR BEGINNERS: Young scientists,engineers and inventors will love exploring and creating with Circuit CubesGears GO. We have everything you need for effortless assembly. CircuitCubes inspire STEM/STEAM learning through play. POWER YOUR BUILDS: Bringyour toys to life with Circuit Cubes, the electronic building blocks thatadd power, motion and light to your creations. Designed by STEM teachers,Circuit Cubes can turn a light on, power a motor or make wheels spin.Circuit Cubes Gears GO. teach kids the basics of mechanical engineering andcircuits as they engage in unprescribed, creative play. FITS YOUR BRICKS:Works with all LEGO® and MegaBloks®-type construction bricks. Gears GO. KitIncludes 3 cubes, 3 vehicle overlays and 65 additional parts. Quest, Dune,Gator and Blur are just 4 of the endless building opportunities included inthis set. WarrantyThis product is covered by the Sam’s Club MemberSatisfaction Guarantee.Assembled CountryChinaComponentCountryImportedShipping InfoStandard – 2 to 6 business days Premium – 2 to5 business days

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Circuit Cubes Gears Go Multi-Vehicle Electronic Toy Building Set LegoCompatible Building Blocks STEM Toy Learning

SKU: FCB5FC90 Category: