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Robelle Next-Generation RIPSHIELD Olympus Winter Cover for Round Above-Ground Pools

Original price was: $154.52.Current price is: $125.16.

The Olympus pool cover is an advanced, premium solid winter cover. Solid pool covers do not allow water to pass through their material. This winter cover is intended to be used during the off-season. Please order by your pool size, as the overlap goes beyond the pool size listed. This cover includes a four-foot overlap. While this cover is lighter and easier to handle than standard pool covers, it is twice as strong. The Olympus Pool Cover features interlocking dual-layers of high-density, premium polyethylene. The Olympus has a premium 13 x 11 scrim. Heavy-duty premium polyethylene weighs 3.6 oz./yd2. Tear-resistant RipShield technology prevents punctures from expanding into significant tears. The blue topside of this cover is coated to prevent damage caused by the sun’s ultra-violet rays and the bottom side is black to prevent algae growth. Two premium grommets are placed on center every four feet, with these grommets, you should use the included winch and all-weather cable to secure your pool cover. For extra securing, covers clips and cover wrap (both sold separately) are suggested for pool closing. No other method of installation is recommended. The cover should be able to comfortably float on the pool water without excessive stress. Includes a 20 year warranty.


. Robelle is dedicated to finding new product formulations that meet superior standards of pool chemical efficacy and product durability so your pool is safe, crystal clear, and healthy.

SKU: 02AED08D Category: